a person in a white dress is reflected in a mirror




Explore our personalized therapy services designed to support ​your mental health and personal growth.

an anxious person picking at their nails.

anxiety ​management

Are You Experiencing...

  • Difficulty concentrating or a sense of being easily ​distracted?
  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or experiencing ​restless sleep?
  • Avoidance of certain places or situations due to intense fear ​or discomfort?
  • Sudden, intense episodes of panic or fear?
  • Overwhelming stress related to work or daily ​responsibilities?
  • A sense of impending doom or worry about worst-case ​scenarios?
  • Persistent, unwanted thoughts or worries that you can’t ​seem to control?
  • Constant and excessive worry about various aspects of your ​life, even when there’s no clear reason for concern?
  • Feeling restless, tired, or easily irritated most of the time?
  • Intense fear of social situations where you might be judged?
  • Avoidance of public speaking because of fear of ​embarrassment or humiliation?

Treatment Areas

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • OCD
  • Agoraphobia
  • Specific Phobias
  • Social Anxiety
  • Health Anxiety (Hypochondriasis)
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Panic Disorder

Areas for Exploration

  • Grounding Techniques
  • Reframing Unhelpful Thoughts
  • Mindfulness Strategies
  • Coping Skills Development
  • Exposure Therapy
  • Stress Management
  • Behavioral Activation
  • Self-Care Practices
  • Exposure and Response Prevention

a couple sitting on a bed turned away from each other.


Are You Experiencing...

  • Frequent misunderstandings or arguments with your ​partner?
  • Ongoing conflicts that seem unresolved or repetitive?
  • Struggles with finding common ground or agreeing on ​important issues?
  • Feeling disconnected or emotionally distant from your ​partner?
  • Difficulty sharing personal feelings or building emotional ​intimacy?
  • Struggling with doubts or mistrust towards your partner?
  • Concerns about honesty or fidelity impacting your ​relationship?
  • Stress related to major life changes affecting your ​relationship, such as moving, starting a family, or changes in ​work?
  • Avoiding important conversations or issues to prevent ​conflict?
  • Frustration or disappointment due to unmet expectations or ​unfulfilled needs within the relationship?
  • Difficulty aligning your goals or values with those of your ​partner?

Treatment Areas

  • Cultural Relationship Dynamics
  • Infidelity and Relationship Recovery
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Communication Challenges
  • Trust Issues
  • Life Transitions
  • Narcissistic Abuse

Areas for Exploration

  • Communication Strategies
  • Empathy Building
  • Emotion Regulation Techniques
  • Trust-Building Activities
  • Expectations Clarification
  • Aligning Go​als
  • Working Through Past Relationship Bagg​age
  • Exploring Unhelpful Core Beliefs Related​ to Relationsh​ips
  • Understanding Attachment Sty​l​es

a mother and son arguing.


Are You Experiencing...

  • Ongoing conflict or tension within the family that feels ​unresolved or repetitive?
  • Difficulty communicating effectively or feeling unheard in ​family discussions?
  • Difficulty managing emotions triggered by memories or ​reminders of past family experiences?
  • Experiencing a sense of isolation or lack of support from ​family members during times of need?
  • Feeling disconnected or estranged from family members, ​impacting your sense of belonging?
  • Feeling like family expectations or criticisms are affecting ​your sense of self-worth?
  • Challenges in establishing or maintaining healthy ​boundaries with family members?
  • Feeling overwhelmed or controlled by family demands or ​expectations?
  • Repeating negative patterns or behaviors that originated ​from family dynamics?
  • Struggling with parenting approaches or decisions ​influenced by your own family background or trauma?

Treatment Areas

  • Coping with Generational Trauma
  • Life Transitions
  • Family Estrangement
  • Coping With Resentment
  • Addressing Harmful/Abusive ​Dynamics
  • Recognizing Narcissistic ​Tendencies

Areas for Exploration

  • Establishing Boundaries
  • Communication Strategies
  • Building Empathy
  • Processing and Healing Past Trauma
  • Identifying and Changing Unhealthy ​Patterns
  • Exploring Family Roles and Dynamics
  • Coping with Emotional Triggers
  • E​m​p​hasis on Childhood Attachment

a person looking at themselves in the mirror

identity ​exploration

Are You Experiencing...

  • Confusion or lack of clarity about who you are or what you ​value?
  • Difficulty defining your personal identity or sense of self?
  • Challenges with feeling confident or valuing yourself?
  • Discrepancies between your values and how you are living or ​how others perceive you?
  • Difficulty aligning your actions and decisions with your core ​beliefs?
  • Difficulty adjusting to significant changes or transitions that ​impact your sense of identity?
  • Feeling lost or disoriented during major life events, such as ​career changes, relocations, or relationship shifts?
  • Struggles related to cultural, social, or group identity and ​how these impact your self-view?
  • Experiencing challenges related to belonging or acceptance ​within different cultural or social contexts?
  • A sense of disconnection from your authentic self or feeling ​like you’re living inauthentically?
  • Struggling to express your true self due to fear of judgment ​or rejection?
  • Uncertainty about your life goals or long-term aspirations?

Treatment Areas

  • Cultural Identity Exploration
  • Gender Identity and Expression
  • Sexual Identity Exploration
  • Exploration of Purpose and Meaning
  • Determining Personal Values
  • Improving Self-Confidence

Areas for Exploration

  • Guided Self-Discovery Activities
  • Values Clarification
  • Exploring Life Transitions
  • Activities to Explore and Embrace Your ​Cultural and Social Identity
  • Techniques to Overcome Fears of Judgment ​and Rejection
  • Goal Setting and Aspiration Exploration
  • Self Compassion Exercises

a person crying embracing a friend.

Grief and Loss

Are You Experiencing...

  • Persistent feelings of deep sadness over a loss?
  • Difficulty finding joy or motivation in daily activities?
  • Struggling to come to terms with the reality of the loss?
  • Experiencing disbelief or denial about the loss?
  • Feeling overwhelmed by a flood of emotions such as ​anger, guilt, or confusion?
  • Wrestling with unresolved feelings, regrets, or “what if” ​scenarios related to the loss, such as missed opportunities ​or decisions not made?
  • Struggling with questions or unresolved issues about the ​loss?
  • Feeling guilty or blaming yourself for aspects related to ​the loss?
  • Dealing with grief and disappointment over infertility or ​the loss of a pregnancy?
  • Struggling with feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty ​about future employment?
  • Navigating a change in personal identity or role due to a ​significant loss, such as the end of a relationship or job?
  • Feeling disoriented or uncertain about your sense of self ​and purpose after the loss?

Treatment Areas

  • Understanding and Processing ​Different Types of Loss
  • Navigating Complicated Grief
  • Developing Acceptance and Coming to ​Terms With the Loss
  • Exploring Cultural and Existential ​Dimensions

Areas for Exploration

  • Integrating the Loss into Your Life Story
  • Grief Rituals and Memorialization
  • Navigating Returning to Normalcy
  • Making Meaning from Loss
  • Exploring Unresolved Feelings or Things ​Left Unsaid
  • Exploring Changes in Worldview and ​Assumptions After the Loss
  • Identifying and Examining Changes in ​Core Beliefs and Values Due to the Loss

A person sitting on a couch with their head in their hands

self esteem ​issues

Are You Experiencing...

  • Regularly questioning your abilities, worth, or decisions?
  • Lack of confidence in decision-making?
  • Engaging in frequent negative or critical self-talk?
  • Having a habit of focusing on your perceived flaws or ​mistakes?
  • Struggling to believe or internalize positive comments about ​yourself?
  • Frequently comparing yourself to others?
  • Avoiding new challenges or opportunities due to a fear of ​failure?
  • Setting excessively high standards for yourself and feeling ​disappointed or frustrated when not met?
  • Struggling with the need to be perfect and its impact on your ​self-worth?
  • Struggling to express your needs, opinions, or boundaries ​effectively?
  • Feeling anxious or uncomfortable in situations where you ​need to advocate for yourself?
  • Reacting strongly or feeling deeply hurt by criticism or ​perceived rejection?
  • Struggling to manage your emotions in response to negative ​feedback or judgment?

Treatment Areas

  • Perfectionism
  • Quality of Social Connections
  • Emotional Sensitivity to Criticism
  • Fear of Failure
  • Assertiveness
  • Self-Doubt

Areas for Exploration

  • Cognitive Restructuring to Replace Harmful ​Self-Beliefs With Positive Affirmations
  • Self Compassion Techniques
  • Exploring Core Beliefs That Impact Self-​Esteem
  • Developing Achievable and Realistic Goa​ls
  • Assertiveness and Boundary Buildi​ng Techniqu​es
  • Exploring and Addressing Perfectioni​s​m​
  • Strengths-Focused Techniques




Reflecting Room | Counselling and Therapy Services | Virtually Across Ontario and In ​Person London, Ontario



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Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we are situated on the traditional territories of the ​Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Lunaapeew peoples. We recognize their ​enduring connection to this land and honor their rich cultural heritage. As we ​work and live here, we commit to learning from and supporting the First Nations ​communities who have cared for these lands for generations.

Crisis Notice

Reflecting Room is committed to providing valuable mental health support, but it's ​essential to note that we are not equipped to handle crisis situations or provide ​immediate assistance. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call 911 or ​your local emergency number immediately. We care deeply about your well-being, ​and your safety is our top priority.

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