a mirror with flowers on it in the grass




Asked Questions

What should I expect from the free ​15-minute consultation?

During the free 15-minute consultation, you can expect an opportunity to ​briefly discuss your concerns and get a sense of how our counseling services ​may align with your needs. We'll use this time to introduce ourselves, discuss ​the counseling process, and explore the reasons bringing you to therapy.

While we won't delve deeply into specific issues during this brief ​consultation, it serves as a chance for you to ask questions, learn more about ​our approach, and determine if we're a good fit for your counseling journey. ​It's a no-obligation conversation designed to provide you with information ​and help you make an informed decision about moving forward with our ​services.

What can I expect out of my first ​counseling session?

Your initial session involves a comprehensive intake process designed to ​understand your unique needs and the reasons bringing you to counseling. ​We explore the specific challenges you're facing, assess their impact on your ​life, evaluate your current coping strategies, and examine the frequency and ​duration of your symptoms.

At Reflecting Room, our therapists aim to gain a holistic understanding of ​your life. This involves asking questions about various aspects of your life, ​including family, friends, intimate relationships, work, hobbies, and other ​dimensions beyond the primary mental health concern. Once we've ​gathered sufficient information, we collaborate with you to establish ​counseling goals. Using these goals, we tailor a treatment plan that ​addresses your specific needs.

How do I know if counseling is right ​for me?

Deciding if counseling is the right choice for you is a personal and thoughtful ​process. Counseling can be beneficial for just about anyone. It offers valuable ​support in navigating life's challenges. If you're feeling overwhelmed, stuck, ​or facing persistent difficulties, counseling provides a confidential space for ​self-reflection and personal growth. Whether you're dealing with intense ​emotions, experiencing relationship challenges, or undergoing major life ​changes, counseling can be a helpful resource. If you're unsure if counseling ​is right for you, a free consultation can offer insights into how it may align ​with your unique needs and goals.

How long will therapy take?

The duration of therapy varies based on individual needs and goals. ​Therapy is a unique and personalized journey, and the timeline can depend ​on factors such as the complexity of the issues, the frequency of sessions, ​and the individual's readiness for change. Some individuals may ​experience positive shifts in a relatively short period, while others may ​benefit from longer-term support. Regular check-ins will allow us to ​evaluate progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that ​therapy remains beneficial for you.

Do you accept direct billing?

No, at this time, we do not offer direct billing services. Clients are ​responsible for submitting their counseling receipts to their insurance ​companies for reimbursement. We provide detailed invoices to facilitate ​this process, ensuring you have the necessary documentation to claim ​your eligible expenses. If you have any specific requirements or questions ​about this process, feel free to discuss them with us, and we'll do our best ​to assist you in navigating the reimbursement procedure.

Is counselling confidential?

Absolutely. Your privacy is a top priority, and everything discussed during ​our sessions is kept strictly confidential. There are cases where your ​therapist may need to breach confidentiality. These exceptions include:

  • if there is risk of serious harm to yourself or others (this includes ​situations involving suicidal ideation or threats of harm)
  • suspected abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult
  • if the client’s information is mandated by the court
  • Your therapist may request to coordinate care with another one of your ​health care providers (with client consent)
  • to ensure quality of care, your therapist may use non-identfying ​information to collaborate treatment planning with colleagues during ​supervision

How does your sliding scale pricing ​work and who is eligible?

Our sliding scale pricing is designed to enhance accessibility to mental ​health services. We operate on a tiered system with three levels, ranging ​from $60 to $100 per session. Each tier, ascending in $20 increments, ​offers three openings for potential clients. This pricing structure is ​intended for individuals facing financial hardship, providing an ​opportunity for those who may find regular therapy rates challenging to ​afford.

We believe in bridging the gap in access to private mental health ​services and are committed to supporting our community through these ​affordable options. If you have questions about the sliding scale or ​would like to discuss your eligibility, please feel free to inquire during ​your consultation.

What if I need to cancel my ​appointment?

If you need to cancel your appointment, please inform your therapist by ​email or text with at least 24 hours' notice. While we understand that ​emergencies and unexpected illnesses may arise, providing notice within ​this timeframe helps us manage our schedule more effectively. Although ​last-minute cancellations within 24 hours are not ideal, we recognize that ​unforeseen circumstances can occur. However, clients who frequently ​cancel last-minute may be subject to cancellation fees.

In the case of no-shows, the client will automatically be charged an ​amount equal to their session fees. We appreciate your understanding and ​cooperation with these policies, which allow us to provide consistent and ​quality care to all our clients.

Can I refer a friend or family ​member to you for counselling if I ​find the services beneficial?

Absolutely, we appreciate your confidence in our services. However, to ​maintain the highest standards of ethical practice and ensure the ​confidentiality of each client, we have a clear policy regarding dual ​relationships. If you wish to refer someone close to you, we'll discuss the ​potential implications and, if appropriate, explore alternative ​arrangements to protect the confidentiality and well-being of both parties. ​Open communication about these matters is crucial, and we'll work ​together to find the best solution for everyone involved.




Reflecting Room | Counselling and Therapy Services | Virtually Across Ontario and In ​Person London, Ontario



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Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we are situated on the traditional territories of the ​Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Lunaapeew peoples. We recognize their ​enduring connection to this land and honor their rich cultural heritage. As we ​work and live here, we commit to learning from and supporting the First Nations ​communities who have cared for these lands for generations.

Crisis Notice

Reflecting Room is committed to providing valuable mental health support, but it's ​essential to note that we are not equipped to handle crisis situations or provide ​immediate assistance. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call 911 or ​your local emergency number immediately. We care deeply about your well-being, ​and your safety is our top priority.

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